2022 Social Media Content Calendar For Photographers, Planner

This photography social media content calendar  includes a whole year’s worth of social media prompt ideas.

This is our 2022 version and is completely different than our other Social Media Content Calendar for Photographers


All you have to do is use these social media prompt ideas to stay active on social media. It’s that easy! You can even schedule posts for the upcoming months if you’re feeling like a go-getter! No more slaving away trying to figure out what to post about on social media! We’ve done it all for you!


This product not only gives you a whole year’s worth of social media prompt ideas, but also will help you build a rapport and a deeper connection with your clients, as well. That means that even if a potential client isn’t in the market now for a photographer, they’ll think of you first when it’s time for them to book! Because you’re being active on social media.


This product is for all photographers and is not niche specific. 


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January 10: Post and ask your following what big events/milestones they have coming up this year. Let them know you can help plan the perfect session for them!


February 28: Share 2 tips for better lighting in photos. 


March 6: Share your favorite places to go in your area during spring and include images. Ask your following what their favorite places are.  


April 17: Share a fun fact with your audience about how you named your photography business.


May 4: Share upcoming festivities in your area and which ones you will be going to. 


June 9: Share a posing tip that can help your following take better photos. 


July 16: Talk about your photoshoots, share to your audience what makes your photoshoots special such as talking about how immersive the experience is or how fun and memorable they can be.


August 7: It’s National Friendship Day! Talk about how friendship means to you, or talk about a story involving a friend. Make sure to post a photo of that friend!


September 18: Share some tips about photography composition and how they can improve this with the images they take on their phone.


October 12: Women Empowerment Wednesday! Post a photo of women you’ve photographed, alongside a caption on women empowerment.


November 21: Share with your followers at one point did you realize that you were meant to be a photographer.


December 16: Ask your audience a question about social media, and what social media platform they prefer using. Use this time to highlight certain social media platforms that would benefit greatly from your niche photography, such as formal photos for LinkedIn, or more lifestyle photos for Instagram.


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