Quarantine Social Media Content *Copy-Paste-Post* - Pack 1- Already done for you!

Just added to the store on 4/14/20

Quarantine content for photographers is here!


You guys know how I love my prewritten statuses for social media. Well today we are bringing you 30 prewritten statuses (non niche specific) to use to keep engagement up on all your social media platforms.


These posts were thoughtfully written to bring an arrangement of photography tips, conversation starters and posts to highlight past images. We know times are hard but this will help keep the conversation going during this crisis.


You’ll notice that there are only 30 in this first pack. We did that on purpose as we do not know how long this pandemic will last. This could be the one and only pack. We hope that this is all we will need but in case this lasts longer we will be here for you creating content to keep you going!


Scroll to the bottom to see some sample photography posts!


Use these across all social media platforms including but not limited to Facebook and Instagram.


File type: PDF, Word Doc

  • Sample Posts:

    1. Game time – Let’s all drop emojis of what our professions are and try guessing each others!
    2. I want to start sharing some photography tips with all of you. I would love for all of us right now to use this as an opportunity to get creative and have some fun doing it! Take out your phones and let’s practice some photography! First tip: If you are indoors, always look for the natural light coming in from the windows. You may need to open the blinds or curtains to let more light in. If I need even more light, I’ll open doors, as well. It may not seem like it would help a lot, but it does. The closer you are to the window, the harsher the light is going to be. While you slowly start to back away from the light, it will become softer and more evenly cast. Always have your subject facing the window or to the side of it. You don’t want to place them in front of the window or you will either get a silhouette or a major blown out background. Post in the comments your photo using window light. Can’t wait to see!
    3. Reminiscing on the days where (I/we) could go (outside/to a certain park/to a beach/a location you normally shoot at outside) and everything was normal. (add an image)
    4. If you are finding yourself in a ‘funk’ and need some uplifting… how about booking a session ahead of time? This is a sure way to boost your mood and give you something to look forward to! For more information on packages, click here! (provide link)

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