With Deal:
Want to figure out how you can grow your photography Facebook page and group? This is LOADED with ideas that will activate engagement across your Facebook business platform.
450 copy/paste Facebook prompts to put on your page and within your group to grow your reach and get more likes!
Bonus sections include:
Niches that are included in this product:
These templates come as a word document file that you can copy and paste into your social media applications! Easy as pie!
You could spend oodles of cash on Facebook advertisements that may or may not work or… you could simply increase your organic reach by engaging your current and future clients! The truth is that the more people who interact with your posts – whether it’s a simple “like” or a comment – the more likely other people will see the post, as well. This is because Facebook prioritizes posts that are getting a lot of action, and it also keeps the post refreshed in your clients’ newsfeeds.
We’ve developed a very special product that not only helps you increase organic reach with your clients, but also builds rapport and a deeper connection with your clients, as well. That means that even if a potential client isn’t in the market now for a photographer, they’ll think of you first when it’s time for them to book! Because you’re building a community of engaged followers, your total number of followers will increase as a side bonus. Pretty cool, huh?
Each of the 90 statuses per niche topic (wedding and engagement, senior pictures, family and kids, maternity and newborn, and boudoir) have been written to prompt followers in a way that’s almost impossible to resist. The topics are highly pertinent to your niche, and act as creative conversation starters. Each set includes
We’ve removed the hard work of coming up with conversation starters, and we’ve done so in a way that highly benefits you and your business. These are enough prompts to last you for at least three months, and many of the topics can be revisited again and again, as well. The best part is that not only will you gain more followers, increase your organic reach, improve your relationship with clients, and book more sessions, you’ll have fun along the way because these topics are fun and very specific to your niche! Go get ‘em, photog!
300 Sales Statuses for Facebook
700 Prewritten Facebook Posts for Photographers
700 *MORE* Prewritten Facebook Posts for Photographers
Don't forget about our 30 day money back guarantee!
Remember there's over 90 per niche in this product!
Not all statuses/prompts shown, just a few to give you an idea of what is included!
Non-Photo Status Prompts/Building Fan Engagement:
Live Video Ideas:
We encourage Live video interviews or you can use these interview questions for your blog! This is to help you network with different vendors in your area. Here's a sample of what we suggest for the family/children niche - interviewing an owner of a local children's boutique. We will give you a list of who to interview for your specific niche plus a list of questions to ask them!
Contest Status Prompts:
Sneak Peak Prompt Samples:
You'll notice a lot of these prompts ask questions at the end. Why is that? The more people interact on your page/group the more people will see the posts. We want to build an organic fan following for you!