How To Start Your Photography Business

So, you’re ready to take the jump and want to make your dreams a reality by starting your own photography business? This guide is the perfect guide to start with!  

Ever wondered how do I find clients? How come I’m not booking? When should I start charging for my sessions? When do I start giving out photography contracts? Do I really need a website? Where do I get a logo? Where should I advertise to book more sessions? Do I offer discounts or giveaways? How do I make this income supplement my current income? How do I balance photography and my family?

If you have, you are in the right place. Not only do we answer these questions, but we have interviewed 4 top portrait, newborn and wedding photographers (Sarah-Beth Photography, Jessica Vaughn Photography, Ann Louise Photography and our very own Brooke Bustillosabout all of this and so much more! Let’s learn together as they walk you through their personal journey and help answer all of these questions along the way.  Enjoy this guide with a cup of your favorite joe as you hear about their successes and lessons learned that they wish they knew sooner.

Photography level: Beginner

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(Previously Titled: Photography Business Basics: How To Start Your Photography Business and Go Pro!)

  • Topics covered:

    133 pages of great advice from industry professionals!

    • How to get started – You have to start somewhere, let us walk you through what you need as we go over licenses, insurance, and must have equipment for your type of photography.
    • Business identity: pros and cons to choosing your business name, finding your niche.
    • Web Identity: What to make of all the business resources offered out there, what type of site is best for what type of photography you’re shooting, blogging, social media, how to use Facebook to grow your business.
    • Must Have Info: What you really need to know right now to take the plunge into becoming a professional photographer.
    • Business Marketing: How to market when you are new to the scene and just starting out, the best and worst marketing investments.
    • Business Planning: How to make the dream of becoming a professional photographer a reality.
    • Personal Experiences from professional photographers about the weaknesses they overcame, the journey they have been through in making this dream happen. Stories of pushing through when the business got rough and they felt defeated.

    Plus answers to these questions:

    • What is something you bought that you wish you hadn't spent your money on?
    • What is something you thought you needed to know but you really didn't?
    • What equipment did you have when you first started out?
    • What type of business are you and why?
    • How much did you charge for your first session?
    • What all did you include in that price?
    • How do you set up packaging?
    • What was the process behind coming up with your pricing?
    • What's in your gear bag?
    • What is the best bang for your buck when it comes to lenses?
    • What is a good kind of camera bag that has a lot of storage space?
    • What has been the best thing to ever happen to your business?
    • What equipment did you have when you first started out?
    • Have you ever felt insecure about your images?
    • What is the biggest lesson you learned?
    • Do you work full time? How many hours a week do you dedicate to photography?
    • Were the clients you were doing free sessions for upset when you started charging? How did you handle that transition?
    • What has been the worst thing that has happened to your business and how did you overcome it?
    • What is the best thing you have ever bought for your business, equipment or otherwise?
    • What kind of studio lighting do you use?
    • What kind of computer do you use?
    • What kind of editing software do you use?
    • What was something you struggled with in your photography?
    • What do you do if a client is unhappy with their photos?
    • What was your biggest goal when you were starting your photography business?

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