Learning the Basics of Studio Photography

Are you relatively new to the photog studio biz? Could you use even the smallest amount of guidance when it comes to running a successful photography studio and making a profit while doing what you love? Yes? Well, then, let me introduce you to our shiny new, highly anticipated BP4U product: Learning the Basics of Studio Photography

This eBook is a must-buy for photographers who've either recently joined the pro studio photographer club or plan to do so in the near future. Basically, anyone who wants to up their studio photography game will find our Learning the Basics of Studio Photography guide tremendously, irrefutably helpful.

This guide -- a collaboration between Keyla Jones of Grace Michael Photography and BP4U --  definitely pays for itself, too. It covers the tricky topic of studio flash lighting and teaches you how to take the best photographs indoors (which you'll do far more of in the winter months). From posing instructions to equipment recommendations and post-processing, this one truly is the ultimate guide when it comes to studio photography. Don't miss out!

Three Reasons you NEED this guide:

  1. It teaches you the art of indoor photography so you take beautiful pictures even without natural light. A must for bad-weather months! 
  2. You'll learn how to take a masterful head shots - a serious money-making skill to have in your hat of tricks.
  3. Posing people indoors requires a different touch compared to outdoor posing. This guide covers indoor poses for: standing, sitting, laying, and more. 

**Please note, all BP4U guides are ebooks and will be delivered electronically!**

(Previously Titled: The Ultimate Studio Guide)

    • Topics Covered:

      • Studio Equipment & Camera Gear
      • Studio Lighting
      • Studio Space
      • Networking
      • Session Workflow
      • Posing
      • Composition
      • The Art of the Headshot
      • Tips for shooting in studio
      • Mini Sessions
      • Post-Processing with before and after images*Including how to do a composite image!*
      • Pricing
      • Contracts
      • Email Communication

      Plus answers to these questions!

      • How did you know when the right time to start charging was?
      • How did you market yourself when you started out?
      • What is your most bought product?
      • What has been some of the hardest things to overcome in your business?
      • Do you have any tips for photographers just starting out?
      • What's the best lesson in photography (business or shooting) that you've learned so far?
      • Which lens do you suggest for a beginner that is price-conscience?
      • Do you use reflectors?
      • What equipment would you suggest to someone just starting a studio as must-haves?
      • What is the one most important thing to have for a studio?
      • How do you clean your props/furniture? How often?
      • What kind of computer do you use?
      • How do you calibrate your monitor?
      • How do you deliver prints and products?
      • What do you look for in props/furniture for your studio?
      • What time of day do you shoot your sessions?
      • What is covered during your pre-session consult?
      • How did you price starting out and how do you price now?
      • How long do your average sessions take?
      • What are must-haves of a studio space?

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