With Deal:
I love this new bundle we have on the store. We are taking some of our best idea products and combining them so you can get as many ideas as possible!
These are perfect for your session planning guides, client guides, emails and to get inspired!
Bundle Includes:
300 Out Of The Box Mini Session Ideas
200 Unique Location Ideas for Photographers
240 Creative Prop Ideas for Photographers
Note from Brooke: You know what I love about this product? Even if you don't shoot mini sessions it gives you 300 session ideas! Need some creative ideas for a family or engagement session? HERE YOU GO! So many uses it's unbelievable!
Coming up with mini session ideas can be fun… until you realize that you’ve got a bajillion photos to edit, a ton of sessions to shoot, and no time to sit and brainstorm! So you know what we did? We brainstormed for you.
That’s right! We put some professional heads together and brainstormed for weeks to come up with 50 pages of creative mini session ideas that all photographers can use. Further, the ideas come with tips for marketing, how to set it up, and offers advice for when to network with area businesses to make the most of your session. Also note that these mini session ideas work for both one-off customized sessions, or traditional mini sessions where you have five to 10 in a row on the same day.
We have mini session ideas for family, children, maternity, newborn, adult, wedding, engagement, boudoir, and senior photographers, and we cover all the holidays (plus some you may not have thought of). Whether you find yourself in a marketing rut, or you simply want a little inspiration, all you need to do is open this document and BAM – ideas galore!
Did we mention we have sample mini session pricing packages included!
You'll receive a pdf with the 300 mini session ideas and tips!
Scroll below to see samples!
Ever had a client say, "Have any ideas on where we can have our session?" Well now you have 200 ideas you can send over to them. It's really that easy, pick and choose the ones you like and put those ideas in an email and your done! Voila! I love how you can look through this and the creativity is instantly there!
See sample locations below!
If you’ve ever found yourself in a creative rut as a photography, the number one thing you can do to remove yourself is to step out of your comfort zone.
Those tried-and-true locations you’ve been using for years? They’re wonderful. They’re fabulous. They’ve given you some truly remarkable photos for your portfolio. And though we’d never urge you to retire them completely, we do stand by the idea that creative growth can only happen when you push yourself. One way to do that is to shoot somewhere new.
This guide is as straightforward as they come, but we’re positive you’ll find it to be a very giving fountain of inspiration. In it, we share 200 different location ideas for both indoor and outdoor photographs. Even if you’re exclusively an outdoor photographer, you’ll be able to use the indoor suggestions for rainy days (or as a way to change things up). Along with each suggestion, we’ve provided helpful tips and suggestions for making the most out of the locale.
200 Unique Location Ideas includes the following:
Please note: This guide does not include images of the actual locations.
Do you ever get a client that asks, "Have any unique ideas for our upcoming session?" Literally, now you do! Copy and paste these ideas to send to your clients for a unique session experience. Put these ideas in a welcome packet or on your site!
We know you’re juggling a lot of things right now — those things being cameras (literally), clients, and a backlog of photos to process. To say you might be feeling overworked could be a bit of an understatement, which is why here at BP4U we’re all about lightening your load. And our newest product? Well, it does just that.
After many hours of brainstorming, we’ve created a very, very long list of 240 different prop suggestions that you can begin using in your upcoming sessions as soon as today. The idea isn’t to inundate your photo or detract from your subjects with the prop, but rather to seamlessly incorporate props that elevate your photography. Our prop guide helps you do that by listing categorizing the prop suggestions into 11 different photography niches. Each idea has a short explanation for how you can use the prop in your session, as well.
In addition to taking and using these prop ideas at face value, you can also let them inspire your own ideas, well. Because once those creative juices start flowing, it’s hard to turn off the nozzle! Another thing you can do with these ideas is copy and paste them into an email, onto your website, or into a pamphlet or brochure that you share with your clients. By sharing the prop ideas with them, you all can brainstorm together to devise the perfect shoot!
240 Creative Prop Ideas includes the following:
Scroll below to see samples!
**Please note, all BP4U guides are ebooks and will be delivered electronically!**
Elf On The Shelf Mini Session, or Christopher Pop-In-Kins in Kins Mini Sessions:
(If you’re unfamiliar, Christopher Pop-in-Kins is similar to the Elf on the Shelf)
Have the child read the book with their elf sitting on something next to them, but far enough away that they won’t touch the elf. Have the client bring in the Elf on the Shelf nonchalantly so that the child does not see you placing the Elf on the setup. You want to maintain that elf mystery and magic, after all!
May The 4th Be With You Mini Session
This is a Star Wars themed mini session that takes place on or around the Fourth of May. You could hold these in your studio and set up a Star Wars theme, or you can set this up at an outside location. Have them wear their Star Wars costume and bring a light saber. You can even host a lightsaber fight.
Puppy Cake Smash
This is similar to a one-year-old baby’s cake smash session, but instead you have a one-year-old fur baby eating cake for theirbirthday! If you are getting the cake for this session, make sure it has doggy-approved ingredients. These days, there are many gourmet pet bakeries (barkeries!), so consider this an opportunity to collaborate and network!
Camping Mini Session
Camping is a great family activity in the spring and summer, and presents tons of photo opportunities! Head to a nearby campsite — or even set up a tent in the backyard — and capture all those fun camping activities.
Weight Loss Mini Session
A client who’s beginning a weight loss journey would love to take advantage of this. Have a mini session before they begin and after to document the progress they’re making. This session will make them feel so great about themselves, and you can even offer a discount if they reach their ultimate goal to further incentivize them!
Sorority Mini Session
Set up a session at a sorority house to do group shots and then individual headshots for those who want them. Also capture details from the house and shots of groups of friends. This will provide a lot of opportunities for future bookings, as well as print sales!
Sample Location Ideas:
There’s 223 more ideas where this came from! This product is such a timesaver. Even if you’ve done some of the ideas, this explains all the options in a professional way so you don’t have to!