10 easy steps to create a facebook fan page...

Easy... breezy baby!:)

1. Sign in facebook & type pages in the search. 

2. Scroll down and click facebook pages

3. Click create a page. 

4. Click the tab which best categorizes your company. 

5. Input your company info. 

6. Follow the 6 start up steps that it says. :) 

7. After you get that done, add photos & input your website info

8. Remember to like your own page & share it on your profile. 

9. To type on your status comments as yourself & to check insights/who added you/who posted (basically to see your notifications on your page) - click Use Facebook As...

10. Woohoo!!! You're all set! Now if you ever want to find that page again, just type it in the search!

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