Enter To Win A $2500 Adorama Gift Certificate, New Website, & 6 Months Of Rock The Shot!

We are giving away a $2500 Adorama gift certificate to one lucky bp4u fan. If you haven't checked out the adorama store, you're missing out. Amazing store full of equipment goodies! We are so thankful to all of the support & fans of bp4u and wanted to help out one fan by giving them equipment!

We went to our facebook pages and started asking, ok... what equipment? Problem is, you have Canon people (woot, jk) ;) and then Nikon people. So what better way to get the equipment you want and need then give away a GINORMOUS gift card! We decided to make it that much sweeter, not only are we doing the gift card, we also joined together with some FAB vendors who are going to be giving away a CMD website & 6 months membership to Rock the Shot Forum. Did your mouth just drop? Hopefully it did!

I've been posting the last few weeks about how to get your business to the next level, posting other photographers tell all stories on Tuesdays. Well, it's not Tuesday but your Monday is going to start looking a lot better, once you see what we have in store for you! With this prize not only will you get new equipment, a new site and you'll be able to use the resources on Rock The Shot, to inspire and help get your business where it needs to be in 2012. SO FLIPPIN' PUMPED!

Here's a quick reminder of what all you'll get! :)


$2500 Gift Certificate to Adorama


Rock The Shot

6 month membership on Rock The Shot Forum!


CMD Marketing

Free Website Package ($400 value)



How To Enter

Hopefully you're as pumped as I am.. but now you want to know how to enter... here it comes! :)

Here are 5 ways to enter. Each time you do one of the ways to enter, come back to our blog & tell us what you've done in our comments section so you can be registered to win this fabulous prize! You'll only have to do one of these, but doing all of them, increases your chances to win like WOH! :D


  1.  Follow bp4u guides on Facebook
  2.  Go say hello to these amazing vendors on their fb pages and let them know bp4u sent you. :D (they'll love that!) Once you have said hello to all the pages - leave a comment on the blog.
  3.  Join BP4U mailing list 
  4. Go to our facebook page and find the photo on our wall that talks about the giveaway, click share and post it to your wall. If that doesn't work share this blog post on your wall & tell everyone about our giveaway!
  5. Leave a comment on our blog telling us what this giveaway prize would mean to you and what you would do with your business in 2012.

Fabtastic! 5 ways to enter, 5 chances to win this FABULOUS Giveaway!!!The winner will be selected at random, via random.org.

*Remember after you do one of the 1-5 steps, leave a different comment on the blog.

This giveaway ends December 24th at midnight (CST). The winner will be announced via the blog, December 25th at the bottom of this post, so be sure to check back to see if you won this great prize! Winner must contact BP4U to redeem the prize within 24 hours. 

The not so small print:

This promotion is not endorsed, sponsored or administered or associated with Facebook. Must be 18 to enter to win. By entering this giveaway you're providing BP4U information and NOT Facebook. Prizes do not have cash value. There will be no returns/exchanges on items. Winner will not be announced via Facebook.


Facebook Pages for these amazing vendors! Go show them some love.


Rock The Shot Forum

Creative Motion Designs

BP4U Guides


*The Winner is...

alexandria cordray

Please contact us within 24 hours to claim your prize, email us at bp4uguides@gmail.com .


100 Responses

Meagan Drone
Meagan Drone

December 24, 2011

Liked and showed love to all of your wonderful vendors! <3

Meagan Drone
Meagan Drone

December 24, 2011

I am already on your mailing list as well :)

Meagan Drone
Meagan Drone

December 24, 2011

I am already a follower of the guides, and have purchased quite a few :D great buys!

Bob Wyatt
Bob Wyatt

December 24, 2011

I have went to ALL the vendor pages and spread some love. Great job getting them on board with this rockin contest. Please send my prize as soon as possible……;)

Paul Fancher
Paul Fancher

December 24, 2011

I joined the mailing list! :)

Paul Fancher
Paul Fancher

December 24, 2011

Like on Facebook :)

Crystal Batignani
Crystal Batignani

December 24, 2011

Winning this giveaway would mean so much to me!! I really need a flash for my camera and would like a backdrop stand and lights so that I can expand my business in 2012. I have been dreaming of a website also so this would be very beneficial for me as well as I love Rock the Shot and would love a membership with them!!! I am taking some courses in Photography in 2012 in order to strengthen my photography skills. I am a stay at home mother and this package would mean so much to me since my income doesn't allow me to purchase as many necessities that I need.
Thank you so much for the chance to win!! I hope you all have a Merry Christmas…or Happy Holidays = )


December 24, 2011

This would be great as I am launching my business in 2012. Thanks! And Merry Christmas!

Bob Wyatt
Bob Wyatt

December 24, 2011

How would this win affect my business in 2012..since I just hung out my shingle in late 2011 it will let me add some great equipment and insurance for that equipment. I have the bodies that I need…just looking for some more good glass…..cmon to Poppa!


December 24, 2011

I am on the mailing list!


December 24, 2011

I am following your Facebook page

Bob Wyatt
Bob Wyatt

December 24, 2011

I shared the link on my FB page…great contest ….very useful prizes….whose arn did you have to twist?

Bob Wyatt
Bob Wyatt

December 24, 2011

I signed for the mailing list. How easy is this contest to enter….

Crystal Batignani
Crystal Batignani

December 24, 2011

Shared the link on my facebook page. Thank you so much for the chance to win!


Bob Wyatt
Bob Wyatt

December 24, 2011

I am following you on Facebook.
what a contest.

Crystal Batignani
Crystal Batignani

December 24, 2011

I am on BP4U's mailing list. Thank you so much for the great giveaway!

Crystal Batignani
Crystal Batignani

December 24, 2011

I liked all the vendors on FB and told them you sent me!! Thank you so much for the great giveaway!

Crystal Batignani
Crystal Batignani

December 24, 2011

I follow BP4U on Facebook! Thank you so much for the great giveaway!

Justina Mikalik
Justina Mikalik

December 24, 2011

This is so amazing. I have been fretting over how I can afford to upgrade my body and flash and find some money to advertise. Right now for my wedding business almost all my business has been through referrals except one wedding. Right now I only have two weddings scheduled in 2012an d I hope to start takin seniors too. This would be a game changer for because I could afford better advertising and get better pictures at weddings because I really need a higher ISO for indoors! Ireally hope one day I can give back as much as you do, this is just amazing.

Julie Wagner
Julie Wagner

December 24, 2011

What an amazing giveaway! Thank you for hosting it! I would be able to finally get my lenses instead of renting them all the time! I worked so hard just to get my canon body, now I need to get my own lenses!

Julie Wagner
Julie Wagner

December 24, 2011

Shared on my wall!

Jen Rich
Jen Rich

December 24, 2011

Winning this would give me the kickstart I need in 2012 to get my business finally going the way I've been dreaming about it going. It would mean no more obstacles and better yet, no more excuses — I would just be able to rock it. Thanks again!

Jen Rich
Jen Rich

December 24, 2011

Signed up for mailing list. Thanks!

Amanda Collins
Amanda Collins

December 24, 2011

I am already on the BP4U mailing list.

Julie Wagner
Julie Wagner

December 24, 2011

Left love on all pages!

Jen Rich
Jen Rich

December 24, 2011

Said hello to the vendors on facebook! Thanks so much for all the amazing gifts!

Julie Wagner
Julie Wagner

December 24, 2011

Joined the bp4u mailing list

Amanda Collins
Amanda Collins

December 24, 2011

I followed you on Facebook.

Julie Wagner
Julie Wagner

December 24, 2011

I liked adoramas fb

Julie Wagner
Julie Wagner

December 24, 2011

I liked you on fb!

Amanda Collins
Amanda Collins

December 24, 2011

I liked the Adroma page!

Gill Galindo
Gill Galindo

December 24, 2011

BP4U and my daughter sent me your way for this amazing giveaway..you guys rock harder than Santa…my daughter has amazing patience and love for Photography and I wish I could do more for her to help her..being disabled keeps me from doing a lot of things..she has taken me under her wing and has helped me create some amazing memories of my grand babies..to win this would contest would help make things a little bit easier..Happy and Blessed holidays to BP4U and their families..

Peta Partel
Peta Partel

December 24, 2011

This is such an amazing Prize! I have to say Brooke, you are so generous. I can only hope that in a few years, when I'm actually in a financial position to do so, I can do the same, and inspire, educate and assist other beginners as you do! As to how this would help me in 2011. I want to get my business up and running to be doing a minimum of 4 sessions a week, aside from other personal educational adventures! I know I have a long way to come, and so much to learn, but I am an open book. As for teh equipment – at the moment I shoot with an Olympus E520 and I do love it, but I can see that I will need to get a second camera, battery, lenses within the year, but financially (with 3 kids under 6 and only 1 income) this might have to wait a bit. I'm not crying poor, because I realise that there are so many more people in need than I, But until the winner is announced, I will dream that it is me, and imagine all the things I could do! ahhh….. dreams are free right!? Thanks Brooke…. love your work! Peta XO

allen salvino
allen salvino

December 24, 2011

This would be totally for a new camera and some more equipment and the site would just launch us where we need to be…Thank you for this amazing giveaway!!

Peta Partel
Peta Partel

December 24, 2011

Shared with all friends!!

allen salvino
allen salvino

December 24, 2011

Shared on my FB wall

allen salvino
allen salvino

December 24, 2011

I have joined BP4U mailing list!!

Heather Frykman
Heather Frykman

December 24, 2011

I follow on facebook :)

allen salvino
allen salvino

December 24, 2011

left love on all vendors pages!!

Peta Partel
Peta Partel

December 24, 2011

I've been and shown everyone some love!! even those pages I had already "liked". I am so pumped and excited!! I can only imagine what I would do with this prize!

Heather Frykman
Heather Frykman

December 24, 2011

What does winning this giveaway mean to me? It would mean that I could keep progressing in the photography world!! where I can make my clients happy with extraordinary services!

Allen Salvino
Allen Salvino

December 24, 2011

Following you on fb

Allen Salvino
Allen Salvino

December 24, 2011

Following you on fb

Marilyn F.
Marilyn F.

December 24, 2011

The gift certificate would be amazing! I desperately need some new lenses.

Peta Partel
Peta Partel

December 24, 2011

I'm on the mailing list!!


December 24, 2011

I'm already on the BP4U mailing list.

Volree wade
Volree wade

December 24, 2011

I joined the mailing list!

Peta Partel
Peta Partel

December 24, 2011

I follow you on facebook – love you guys!~


December 24, 2011

This giveaway would mean so much – a better camera and resources to improve myself.

Volree wade
Volree wade

December 24, 2011

I follow bp4u on Facebook!


December 24, 2011

Amazing giveaway, thank you Brooke!


December 24, 2011

I already follow BP4U on Facebook.


December 24, 2011

Shared the giveaway link on my wall :)


December 24, 2011

Like and wrote on all of the vendors walls!

Chris Escoto
Chris Escoto

December 24, 2011

Liked and shared some love on vendor FB pages!


December 24, 2011

2011 was an emotional rollercoaster of loss & a very slow year financially and with no extra $ rolling in to even repair my vehicle this would be the opportunity to step up from my kit standard lens to some top notch portrait and maybe a zoom lens to take my images to the next level!

Kristi Theus Whitaker
Kristi Theus Whitaker

December 24, 2011

This amazing giveaway will help me tremendously. I'm slowly trying to build up my business. It's been hard since I'm a stay at home mom and a military wife. But I've made do. I find creative ways to cut corners on cost but still produce memories for my clients. It would be so nice to give my clients even more amazing memories ;)

I'm a member of a nonprofit military wife organization. We do a lot of charity work. I would just live to have the means to take family photos at no charge for our wounded warrior families. Getting this would allow me to do that and so much more. The sky is the limit!!

Thanks for an amazing giveaway!!


December 24, 2011

Joined the mailing list!

Lisa K Morgan
Lisa K Morgan

December 24, 2011

I am an up and coming photographer who will also finish my photography degree in 2012. This would mean the world to me to get my business off and going. THANK YOU for the opportunity to win. MERRY CHRISTMAS to all!


December 24, 2011

Like you on Facebook

Kristi Theus Whitaker
Kristi Theus Whitaker

December 24, 2011

I shared a darling photo of a newborn on my wall.

Lisa K Morgan
Lisa K Morgan

December 24, 2011

EXCITEDLY shared this FABULOUS giveaway on my FB page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1314948290 What a WONDERFUL Christmas gift this would be to win!

Kristi Theus Whitaker
Kristi Theus Whitaker

December 24, 2011

Signed up for the mailing list.

Kristi Theus Whitaker
Kristi Theus Whitaker

December 24, 2011

I liked all the pages and showed some love.

Lisa K Morgan
Lisa K Morgan

December 24, 2011

Signed up for the mailing list!

Kristi Theus Whitaker
Kristi Theus Whitaker

December 24, 2011

Follow BP4U on Facebook

Lisa K Morgan
Lisa K Morgan

December 24, 2011

Liked all the vendor pages on FB – LOVE learning about new vendors – THANK YOU for the introductions!

Lisa K Morgan
Lisa K Morgan

December 24, 2011

I am following BP4U on FB!


December 24, 2011

I liked all the vendors on Facebook.

Lisa Potapoff
Lisa Potapoff

December 24, 2011

Fantastic giveaway!! I plan to grow my business in 2012 in ways I have not had the opportunity yet to do in 2011! I want to continue learning from others in the profession, learn to market myself more effectively, purchase some strobe lighting and a few more lenses to enhance the equipment I already have, and develop my website and launch it!! This amazing giveaway would allow me to do all of that!! What an incredible opportunity for someone to win! Merry Christmas!


December 24, 2011

I shared the giveaway on my wall.


December 24, 2011

I liked the Photography guides on Facebook.


December 24, 2011

2012 for me, will be Glamour sessions for over 40's. This prize would enable me to make these women feel like the BEAUTIFUL princesses that they deserve to be : ) They work, bring up families, have little time for themselves and are often a forgotten and selfless bunch of women. I'm bringing them out for the world to admire….. I will use the prize to create an amazing space in my studio with amazing sound and images on entertainment equipment from ADORAMA for clients to feel like celebrities.

Amanda Thompson
Amanda Thompson

December 24, 2011

Winning this giveaway would mean the world to me! I could finally upgrade to a professional grade camera. I have 5 kids to support, which buying new equipment for me really hard to do. I am so thankful for you doing this for us!!!!

Laurie Arriaga
Laurie Arriaga

December 24, 2011

If I win the Adorama card I would buy a Canon 5d Mk II, a huge upgrade from my Rebel. A website would jump start my little business, and RTS membership Wwould just be awesome!

Amanda Thompson
Amanda Thompson

December 24, 2011

I am on the mailing list!

Amanda Thompson
Amanda Thompson

December 24, 2011

Said Hello to all the amazing vendors! Thank you!

Laurie Arriaga
Laurie Arriaga

December 24, 2011

I on the BP4u mailing list!!


December 24, 2011

Go to our facebook page and find the photo on our wall that talks about the giveaway, click share and post it to your wall. DONE : )

Dana Willis
Dana Willis

December 24, 2011

If I won the Adorama card, I would be upgrading to the 5D mark ii! A new website wouldbe sweet and the RTS forum would be icing on the cake!! I'm hoping my business will be THAT much better in 2012.

Laurie Arriaga
Laurie Arriaga

December 24, 2011

I 'am already a BP4U facebook fan!


December 24, 2011

Join BP4U mailing list: DONE : )


December 24, 2011

If I would win, I could jump start my photography to the next level. I need to know how to market my company and I could FINALLY get the equipment from Adorama to get started. Thank you.

Lisa Potapoff
Lisa Potapoff

December 24, 2011

I shared this giveaway on my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/lisacdnmomma

Marilyn F.
Marilyn F.

December 24, 2011

I am on your mailing list now!


December 24, 2011

Follow Bp4u Guides : DONE : )

Amanda Thompson
Amanda Thompson

December 24, 2011

I am a fan of BP4U Guides on Facebook!

Marilyn F.
Marilyn F.

December 24, 2011

I follow bp4u on Facebook.

Dana Willis
Dana Willis

December 24, 2011

Shared on FB wall!

Lisa Potapoff
Lisa Potapoff

December 24, 2011

I am already on BP4U's mailing list!!


December 24, 2011

I really need a great zoom lens! This would help me expand my business in 2012! Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

Lisa Potapoff
Lisa Potapoff

December 24, 2011

I 'liked' all the vendors and thanked them for being part of this great giveaway!!

Beth Caudle
Beth Caudle

December 24, 2011

I am on your mailing list.

Beth Caudle
Beth Caudle

December 24, 2011

I am now following you on Facebook :) I LIKE you.


December 24, 2011

Just shared the contest pic on my page.

Jaime Gonzalez
Jaime Gonzalez

December 24, 2011

Winning the giveaway would mean the world to me. I would finally be able to get the lighting equipment I've been wanting and other equipment as well. This would hopefully get my business on a continuous roll instead of having stops and pauses along the way. Thank you so much for giving everyone and myself this opportunity and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!

Dana Willis
Dana Willis

December 24, 2011

Fan of CMD on FB now!!!

Dana Willis
Dana Willis

December 24, 2011

I'm a fan of Rock the Shot on FB!!

Erin Childs
Erin Childs

December 24, 2011

I would love to have a Canon 85mm f1.2L lens for my business!
Merry Christmas to everyone and thanks for the giveaway!

Dana Willis
Dana Willis

December 24, 2011

Fan of Adorama on FB now!!

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Also in Photography Tips For Photographers and Posing Guides, Photography Marketing Templates, Contracts and Forms, Photoshop Actions, Lightroom Presets, Tutorials, Business, Online Photography School | www.bp4ublog.com

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