Does anyone know any good resources for Photoshop?

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Question: "Know any good resources for photoshop?I just can't seem to use the program and I need help!"

Kassi: MCP Actions has some great tutorials

Emily:  YouTube that's where I learned :) I'm a visual learner. For this worked out great for me

Kathi: I use Elements and found they have a pretty good Help section (complete with Video tutorials). If that still doesn't work, try simply Googling your inquiry on the internet. Often you will find someone posted a YouTube (or similar) on that subject. Hope that helps.

Kristi: Pure photography and design has fantabulous video tutorials ! Find link on their page or you tube them

Misty: I learned from a variety of places. I do highly recommend joining the rock the shot forum. You can get great advice on specific issues there. YouTube is a pretty good resource but I had a hard time finding stuff with the search feature. Check out He is a member of RTS and has a ton of great Photoshop tutorials. He's also very helpful and active on RTS if you have specific questions.

Brian: I agree with MCP Actions, also YouTube and Pure Photoshop Actions have tutorials :) Best advice I was given is just take your time and eventually you'll get the hang of it

Gabby: I like Scott Kelby's books! He goes through everything step by step!

Angela: Total training online is really great!

Matt: NAPP (National Association of Photoshop Professionals) has a members only online resource in addition to Photoshop magazine. They also do live training tours and online training through Kelby Training that are pretty good.

Becky: has alot of online tutorials as well

Yani: Adobe also has a whole library of tutorials for many of their products.

Sylvia: every now and then they do a FREE PS live video class on Also there are tons of videos on youtube.

Sarah: MCP Actions and Everyday Elements and The CoffeeShop Blog all have some great tutorials and workshops

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