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Question: "Any tips or advice on some creat background indoor studio ideas that aren't expensive?? I'm just starting out with my indoor studio and don't have much room :( "
Michelle:i started out with 2 simple cloth drops, one black and one white. slowly been adding poly vinyl backdrops. Went this morning and hit up a consignment shop on some little stuff, like blankets with some texture, some neat scarves, just little stuff that i can pack in a container for use at other times... just start looking around, and you'll be surprised what jumps out at you! :)
Caitlyn: I know these are for small backdrops, but I'm going to make them largescale. Love the ideas! :]
JC Photography: check Photo Prop Consignment Shop for the occasional deal on drops and/or props. Also my FAVORITE isSerendipity Backgrounds they do sales quite frequently. For a cheap (small scale) backdrop stand I used a portable "closet" rack from Walmart. It's an adjustable height hanging rack basically but you can clip fabric and backdrops from it perfectly :)
Monica: When I had a tiny studio I used vintage tablecloths, burlap, camo netting, and felt for backdrops. Velcro allowed me to swap out fairly quickly. And for little people, gift wrap on a cardboard square, scarves, little throw blankets, even beach towels can work. It is amazing what you can do with very little. Good luck to you.
Brian: I have seen amazing things done with velcro! Check out Erin Noie Photography she has pull backs from her studio...AMAZING :)
Dejah: I also have very little room so I purchased a green screen and got digital backgrounds. They look wonderful!
Mollie: A local photographer has a white wall outside, and he overlays designs in Ps.
Jen: I went to the fabric store and got three yards of medium weight white muslin. I used the iron one webbing stuff to make a rod pocket. I had a spare curtain rod so that's what I hang it on. I strung Christmas lights behind it to give it a lil extra flare. It's worked great for me. The nice thing is I can dye it any color I want. And when it gets dirty just throw it in the washer and dryer. And no ironing, the more wrinkles the better, gives it texture.
Melissa: I pretty much did the same thing as Jen Mills!
Keriann: I mostly do small children, and set up a very small studio space in my basement. I don't have large enough clientele to justify spending a bunch on backdrops, so I mounted a curtain rod to the wall and collect fabric shower curtains! Large table cloths, and flat sheets, as well as fabric. I have so many backgroinds now and LOVE them! I just keep an eye out for clearance and sales.
Keriann: Oh, and with the table cloths, and anything else that's doesn't have a hanging pocket or button holes, I use curtain rings that have little clips on them.
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