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Question from Patricia: "Brooke Said Blogs were a good I am going to start one...I think I can blog about my week. So my question is: where to get blog from? I dont want to pay for it, cause I already pay for a website!"
Maia: wordpress ;)
April: I like Wordpress. It's free. And if you ever want to go to a self hosted blog in the future, you can transfer everything easily.
Brittany: blogspot is the best!
Shelby: Wordpress
Jamie: Just install Wordpress in a sub-folder on your website :) its especially easy if you're using godaddy for your host, as they've got an wordpress application that's super easy to install :)
Jamie: Or if that's too technical, get a free blog via!
Stephany: love blogspot...i just started mine and got my own domain name easily switch over to it...and you can find tons of free blog backgrounds, etc online...i found mine at Shabby Blogs
Shanna-Kaye: I use Wordpress and like the "pro" feel to it :)
Jenna: Blogger is very easy to customize and setup. (I found Wordpress a little more difficult to finesse to look the way I wanted.)
Angela: I use blogger and customized it on my own and I am so not techie! I bought the domain for $10 and got an email with it. I had to do a fair bit of research and trying to understand how to customize (about 10 hours) and I am pretty happy with the results.
Anna: Blogger
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