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QOTD from Jenn: "I have a question: I am looking for a good workshop/conference/show to attend. It doesn't have to be anywhere specific bc I am okay with making a vacation out of it. What is a good site to find different workshops/dates offered throughout the year?"
Cate: I think Professional Photographers Association of America has an events calendar, but mostly I just keep up with Facebook. Photographers that I really like and want to learn from, I follow them for when they announce their workshops etc. You also want to focus in on what kind of workshop you want to take. Portrait, Wedding, Seniors, etc. there are some BIG hitters in each of those categories that you could take a more small group session from. Three are always the two big ones each year PPA and WPPI which are both in the First quarter of the year.
Carrie: ppa or wppi, they have big conferences every year, I went to ppas this year and it was a big eye opener to a whole lot of resources and i learned a lot from speakers in the classes.
Rachel: I think it depends on if you want a general workshop or something specific to be learning, there are so many great ones out there!
Rexella: WPPI is awesome! But it's not until next March. However, I went to a WPPI Roadtrip (1 day workshop/conference) and because of that got a free entrance to WPPI. Also, you can just watch other photographers for workshops they are giving. I went to Jasmine Star's "The Fix" workshop also & it was amazing!
Sweet Raine Photography: I try to catch all the workshops on Its free and i can watch from anywhere.
Jenn: I try to do also
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