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QOTD from Tom: "I got this question twice this week from a couple of friends: "How do you make your camera focus on the entire subjects face with a fast lens (1.4, 1.8, etc) when doing close-up portraits? My photos only has one eye in focus, or just the nose in focus."
Meghan: Raise the aperture to somewhere around 5 or more
Kassi: around 2-2.8 for your aperture will get the whole face in focus.
Stephenie Step back....just as raising the aperture will allow more depth of field, so will adding more distance between you and you your subject. Of course you will.most likely be using a longer focal length lens as well. You can get the whole face in focus at 1.4 or 2.8 as long as you are far enough back :)
Stephenie: Oh, also have your subjects eyes on the same plane....the more they turn, the harder it will be to get them both in focus at a wider AP
Melissa: along with rasing the aperture I also set my focal point in between the eyes instead of just one if they are looking at me directly.
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