How do I jump-start my business in a new location?

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QOTD from Morgan: "QOTD- I am making a move about 1 hour away in August. I was wondering if there was any advice on how to jump start my business early on? I would rather not have a REALLY slow beginning few months! Thanks!"

Krysteena: get the word out early! place a few business cards in local businesses (with permission, of course). Depending on what type of sessions you offer, consider taking flyers to local preschools for tots, etc... offer specials or discounts for first time customers. It's just about time for senior portraits, so try to get a senior rep from each of the local high schools. Once you get your first few clients, word of mouth should help take you from there:)

Holly:  All of the above, plus make sure you have a rock solid, easy to navigate website. Most people will want to check out your work before they even call you for prices.

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