Where can I make a hardcover photo book with many pages?

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QOTD from Jessica: 'I have a client who contacted me about putting her husband's photographs from a trip into a hard cover book. He has made pages with text on them. It would be about 65 pages (130 sides). My lab doesn't print that many pages in their hard cover books. Does anyone know a lab that does???'

Marie: Doesn't Apple?

Crystal:  If I'm not mistaken, shutterfly might. I do know you have the ability to add pages, and it allows you to determine the amount of pages needed. I've done one as large as 40+ pages before.

Jodi: Check Adorama or Mpix.

Bernadette: Blurb

Kevin:  Asuka Books

Meredith: Blurb  is awesome

Tyrann: My fave is Professional Photo Albums or their consumer side Smile Books.

Colleen: Blurb does a great job....at a good price! With Shutterfly's change from Classic path to their new system...I will be using Blurb more often (plus Shutterly only allows 101 pgs)....

Heather: WHCC


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