How can I avoid wrinkles when transporting cloth backdrops?

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QOTD from Stephanie: 'I have a question! Maybe other photographers here could help but what are some suggestions on transporting cloth backdrops to location while avoiding wrinkles???"

 Crystal: Get a cordless hand steamer

Teresa: Good question.. I try to roll instead of fold them..

Arnaud:  Roll and find a hard tube

Angela: Also use a spray bottle on them if possible. Well it can be used on the cloth ones. Helps smooth some wrinkles. And I think Downey has something like that too.

Charley: Whenever I have to transport cloth backdrops, I steam them all at home first, to get rid of any wrinkles from the previous session and storage. Then I fold them loosely to try not to crease them, but take my handheld steamer with me in case it needs a quick run over after I get to the location.

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