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QOTD from Morgan: "I just moved to a new city, any ideas to jump start my business here? I do not necessarily specialize in an area."
Sandy: I moved to a small rural community last year and started my business in March. It has been slow starting but some of the things I've done is volunteer work, flyers promoting sales(people love a bargain), a small ad in the local paper, joined a camera club, there is also an art club that I have been looking into, give deals to customers who refer others to you, promote free quotes. I also tried to join the local chamber of commerce but it is inactive in the area that i live and work out of. You can try to team up with a business that is already established in the area, for example, team up with a hair salon and offer a glam photo session with them. And always, always carry your business cards and use them! Hope you find this helpful. Be sure to visit my page, Sandy Pix.
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