With Deal:
All emails are Word document template files that you can completely customize for your company! Don't have Word? We've included the PDF version as well!
These emails are super and easy to use. Copy and paste them from the document to your email. That's it!
Oh, and if you have purchased our Photographers Emails Made Easy product, these emails are completely different and new topics!
Think back to the last time you dreaded sending out an email to a potential or current client, either because you weren’t sure how to word the email or because the subject matter was highly sensitive. Was it last week? Yesterday? This morning? Now imagine having that email written for you, and that all you had to do was fill in the blanks and press send. Here’s the thing: you don’t have to imagine it, because we’ve already written those emails for you.
From awkward client requests to networking emails with local establishments to a formal cease and desist letter, we’ve got you covered from A to Z. Some of the emails required legal research, some required extremely careful language finessing, and all of them utilize marketing strategies that will benefit your business and build strong client-photographer relationships. Each also comes with instructions, along with expert insight to help keep you sane in those especially frustrating situations all photographers go through.
Fun fact: these emails took our professional writer 30 hours to write, which means you’re saving yourself at least that much time (over and over again) with one purchase. Simply copy and paste the email you need, fill in the blanks, and press send! You’re welcome, photog.
Here's a sample email of what you would write to a client wanting a refund. This email is included in this package as well!
Subject: (insert session type) concerns:
Hi (insert client name)!
We are very sorry that you are not pleased with your photos. Our studio understands and is aware of (list reasons why the re-shoot is necessary) and we want to do our best to make everything right. We would be willing to offer a re-shoot at no additional cost or a refund in the amount of (insert refund amount) sent via (payment method) by (insert date payment would be sent).
If you have any more questions or concerns, please feel free to let me know.
Warm regards,
Subject: (insert session type) concerns:
Hi (insert client name)!
We are very sorry that you are not pleased with your photos. Our studio understands and is aware of (list reasons why the re-shoot was needed by the client) and we understand your concerns for the photos taken on (insert session date). It is our standard operating procedure due to (situations beyond our control, weather recommendations, etc.) to not offer a refund based on our policies and procedures listed within our contract at the time of booking.
(Copy/paste the section of your contract where it lists your policies and procedures for situations out of your control, weather recommendations etc.)
Per our contracted package, we have provided (insert contents of package), to our standards within our contracted timeframe. As of now, our contract has been fulfilled. All of the terms have been completed by both parties. I have attached a copy of the signed contract for your records.
If you have any more questions or concerns, please feel free to let me know.
Warm regards,
80 Promotional Emails Made Easy
Ultimate Wedding Workflow Emails
Email Topics Include: